As I floated in the crystal-clear waters of Fiji, it felt like a dream come true. Little did I know that upon my return, I would be invited to record in San Francisco with an artist named Random Rab. I first heard him perform at the Shambala Festival in Canada, which was like being on a rocky beach with colorful pebbles, a feeling of Burning Man with a touch of nature and water. The energy in Canada was truly beautiful, and hearing Random Rab's music had a mesmerizing effect on me. I knew instantly that we would collaborate someday.
When I arrived at Rab's studio in San Francisco, the feeling of being in the right place at the right time washed over me. The studio was filled with creative energy, and we wasted no time getting to work. Rab played me a loop idea for a song, and we immediately clicked on the vibes and tones. I started writing stream of consciousness style, letting the music guide my words.
Although my knowledge of song structure was not as advanced as my improvisational skills at the time, we created a verse that flowed like spoken word poetry. Rab was pleased with just three takes, and I felt a sense of satisfaction in our collaboration. After the session, Rab showed me around the area and introduced me to his friends, creating a sense of camaraderie and open-heartedness.
That night was the anniversary of my brother's passing, and the lyrics we had written together took on a deeper meaning as part of my grieving process. A group of about 7 of us decided to spend the night at one of Rab’s friend's places.
I woke up really early from a vivid dream feeling disoriented after I took a few steps. The room began to spin around me, and I fainted, only to be surrounded by blinding white light. In that moment, I felt my brother's presence, a comforting presence in the midst of chaos.
Looking back on that experience, I realized the power of music to connect us to the past, present, and future all at once. The songs we create hold a mystical and magical essence, capturing feelings and experiences. In that moment of uncertainty and light, I found solace in the music we had created, a reminder of the beauty and healing power of art.
As I reflect on the intertwining of music, dreams, and loss, I can't help but wonder - what other hidden messages and connections lie within the songs we create? How does the power of music continue to guide us through life's twists and turns, revealing new depths of emotion and understanding? With an open heart and a curious mind, I am eager to explore the mysteries that music holds, eager to uncover the truths that lie beneath the surface of our melodies.
Each note, each lyric, is a key to unlocking our experiences, revealing the threads that connect us all. Music becomes a compass, leading us to healing, insight, and a deeper appreciation of our shared humanity.